Yearly Archive: 2017

MBA Executives explore government, business relationship during Washington, D.C. trip

The trip started with a bang, as we stepped out from our Uber and into the terrific accommodations at the Mayflower, quite the insider hotel. President Harry S. Truman called it “Washington’s second best address.” The location within the city was amazing, and I jogged to the White House before classes each morning, bonding with classmates.

GSGA Fall Mixer: Drinks, dancing and dinosaurs!

It’s hard to believe that the end of the fall semester is just a few weeks away — this year has flown by! End-of-year final exams and projects are the first thing on many students’ minds right now, but that doesn’t mean we don’t still make time to socialize and hang out together.

Small program, big opportunities

One of my favorite things about Goizueta is the small size of our program. With only 181 students in my class, I’m able to greet everyone by name. The close-knit, personal nature of our community and the bonds I’ve been able to form with my classmates have made my Goizueta experience truly extraordinary.

Intro to Business Analytics: How I learned how to learn

If you are reading this, you probably have read the following sentence by McKinsey 10 times already: “By 2018­­­, the United States alone could face a shortage of 140,000 to 190,000 people with deep analytical skills as well as 1.5 million managers and analysts with the know-how to use the analysis of big data to make effective decisions.