Category: EMBA

Steve Kennedy 23EMBA

First Cold Call in Strategic Management

As I talked to the 24EMBA’s moments before their first Strategic Management class with Professor Rob Kazanjian, during our group lunch in August, I was excited for them and contemplative of my own formative experience last fall.  We, the 23EMBA’s, analyzed a case based on a real, mid-20th century product...

Merritt Choate

Why Not Choose Goizueta?

The brash will answer the question “why” with “why not.” I morphed into one of them over time as I became more convinced that my decision to attend Goizueta was indeed the appropriate choice for me. I recall being asked the question of why I selected Emory’s Goizueta Business School just after I received notice that I had been accepted.

EMBA students standing on Goizueta steps

The Case for Making a Career Pivot…Now

Research I recently conducted confirms that professionals wanting to make a career pivot should not be afraid to make a change. In a nutshell, my study found that workers who were determined to pivot were mostly successful within one year, although some took longer.

Executive MBA classroom

Personalizing the Academic Experience for Immediate Career Impact

Career pivoters are survivors, courageous and determined. They refuse to be defined by antiquated views of what their career should look like and instead pursue the challenge of trying something new in search of better opportunities and upward mobility. These are some of the findings from a new research study I conducted as an Executive MBA student at Goizueta. I was able to conduct the research as a Directed Study that fulfilled one of my elective course requirements.