Category: EMBA

Ryan Martin 23EMBA

Veteran Spotlight: Ryan Martin 23EMBA, United States Marine Corps

Background: I am from South Carolina and previously served as a Non-Commissioned Officer in the United States Marine Corps. I completed my undergraduate degree at the University of South Carolina in Electrical Engineering. After college, I spent four years in manufacturing and operations management roles for Pepsi, Gatorade, and Frito...

Campus Flowers

Many Options for Master’s Degrees in Business

Business is the most popular field of study for those pursuing post-graduate degrees, and there are many options when it comes to master’s degrees in business. The Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) is the most popular of these degrees as it provides a broad business foundation while still enabling students...

Types of MBAs | Choosing an MBA Program

Goizueta Business School offers a portfolio of MBA programs to meet those ready for an MBA degree where they are and to offer them the opportunity to learn along side others who are in a similar professional season. Choosing an MBA program because of a need or desire to pursue...

What is an Executive MBA?

What is an Executive MBA? An Executive MBA is a general management program like a traditional MBA degree but it is designed for seasoned working professionals.

Is an Executive MBA Worth It?

Some may ponder the question, is an Executive MBA worth it? Does the market value an Executive MBA the same as a full-time MBA or part-time MBA? Did I miss my window of opportunity? Why should I bother now? The answer to the initial question is yes, an Executive MBA...