Category: One-Year MBA

Life on the Graduate Business Association

Happy September, everyone! It’s hard to believe the summer is over already, but I’m absolutely thrilled to be back at Goizueta starting my second year in the full-time MBA program. The first few weeks of school have revolved around classes, the start of the recruiting season, and GBS clubs and...

Local Atlanta spots a must-see for any MBA student

For visitors who have traveled through Atlanta, often a few big names (and coincidentally, destinations for many Goizueta MBA grads) come to mind: companies like Coca-Cola and Delta Air Lines (Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport is Delta’s home base), fun places like the Mercedes-Benz Stadium and the Georgia Aquarium, and historically important...

Keystone Experience: A day in the life

It is hard to believe how quickly the past year has gone by as today I rejoined my fellow members of the Class of 2018 in the same auditorium where we began our journey a year ago as new MBA students. We reunited for the first time since beginning our...

Three takeaways from Colombia Module

Earlier this month, I had the opportunity to travel to Colombia was part of the One-Year MBA module. Due to our accelerated schedule, One-Year students are only able to participate in one Mid-Semester Module (MSM), so this trip ensures the ability to have two opportunities to travel internationally with Goizueta....

Traveling to Colombia provides eye-opening experience

One-Year 18MBA class travels to Colombia to experience best business practices, culture My classmates and I began our exploration of Colombia in the city of Bogota, an urban oasis sprawling with shops and restaurants, with old, beautiful buildings peeking out on every corner. Our days in Bogota were filled with excitement, learning and...

One-Year MBA Veteran Reflection at Graduation

Pictured: One Year MBA students at Jennifer’s (5th from left) housewarming Submitted by Jennifer Kraus, One Year MBA 2017 and Army veteran Only a year ago, I moved to Atlanta and was preparing to start the One Year MBA program at Goizueta. Now, I am in the last week of classes,...