Category: One-Year MBA

Balancing Summer Core with kids

Balancing Core and parenting

The summer Core is an intense 12 weeks with seemingly every waking minute occupied for all 84 days. Before MBA I worked nearly 10 years in the offshore oil and gas industry and rarely worked more than a 40-hour week when I was not offshore. I had plenty of time...

Full-time ’20 and ’21, and one-year ’21 students with Professor Jan Barton (right corner) after touring a samba school in Rio de Janeiro

GEM Experience in Brazil

As the day for MSMs approached, tensions grew high. “Would we still be able to go to South Korea or would the trip be canceled?” I wondered. The coronavirus was already spreading at an alarming rate through Asia and threatened our prospect of exploring business and culture in an Asian...

5 Surprising ways the pandemic made my core semester better

5 Surprising ways the pandemic made my core semester better

Like you, my expectations for 2020 were upended in March. I was set to start at Goizueta Business School just two months later. I worried about how the educational and social experience, specifically during core semester (which spans summer for us One-Year students), would change. While I do mourn parts...

A guide to Goizueta’s MBA application

A guide to Goizueta’s MBA application

The MBA application process at Emory University’s Goizueta Business School shares elements with many other schools in that it is your opportunity to share your unique story with the admissions committee. Every aspect of the application is reviewed annually and has been crafted to help us assess the specific skills...

How to learn virtually during a pandemic

In the accelerated One-Year MBA program at Goizueta Business School, the most intensive portion of the curriculum is held over the summer. COVID-19 changed many plans, including education. I wanted to write to share my thoughts on what worked well when learning at home throughout the summer before Emory University...

Talk to Alumni Before Selecting an MBA Program

Talk to alumni before selecting an MBA program

One of the most common responses a prospective student gives for why they want to pursue an MBA degree: “I want to expand my network.” As an MBA student, your classmates, professors, recruiters, and the “alumni network” will fit into this category. However, an alumni network is much more complex...

Chis Anen

International Travel and GEMS

As any other millennial, I love to travel and traveling was a huge aspect of the MBA experience I was looking forward to. While researching the MBA experience before applying, if you told me all MBA students do is travel I would have believed you. But, when Core started I...

Usha Rackliff, Assistant Professor in the Practice of Accounting, teaching an Evening MBA Class.

What to look for in an MBA curriculum

There are certain courses and concepts every MBA student should master: time value of money, regression analysis, business strategy, and market segmentation to name a few. Faculty members generally agree on some common elements of required MBA “core” curricula. That list has grown over the years as important topics such...