Goizueta’s 3rd Annual Business Analytics Conference demonstrates virtually anything is possible

Goizueta’s 3rd Annual Business Analytics Conference demonstrates virtually anything is possible

The Goizueta Business Analytics conference is one of the most awaited events of the year for MSBA students, staff and graduates. It marks the culmination of the rigorous 10-month program focused on producing industry-ready business data scientists. It is a great opportunity for the MSBA cohort to present the findings...

Virtual session with Uber

Everything happens for the best

The coronavirus outbreak required changing the annual West Coast Trek to a virtual trip this year. While I still wish that we had had the chance to visit the tech giants in San Francisco Bay Area during the spring break, the virtual West Coast Trek still gave me and my...

Hollywood Sign and Golden Gate Bridge

“When life gives you lemons, turn them into an awesome margarita and leave the whole world wondering how you did it”

“Dear Students, we have decided to cancel the physical visit to the West Coast. It was very hard to make this decision after all the work that went into it and the potential benefits to you and our program.” My heart sank into my stomach as I read Dr. Chellappa’s...

Inaugural Pathway to C-Suite Panel

On Wednesday, January 29, the Executive MBA program hosted a Pathway to C-Suite event at the St. Regis Hotel in Buckhead. The panelists, as well as Dean James, were open and authentic about the qualities of leadership that enabled them to “end up” in the C-suite. As we heard panelist...

Three Tips to Manage Employer Expectations

To go or not to go? That is the question. Unfortunately, if you’re looking through this blog, you’re probably in the same shoes I was almost two years ago: Looking at the program schedule and thinking, “How am I going to ask my manager for every other Friday off?” It...

The Classes that Change Your Life

They say that MBA’s change you: that you will see things differently, that you will question things you didn’t before, that you will grow in ways you didn’t think were possible. To be honest, it’s true! In particular, one of those classes at Goizueta that has changed me was Alternative...

The Life of a Spouse

I’m back! And this time, I’m writing from a different perspective: my husband’s. As a spouse of someone in the program, it can be challenging to adjust as well. They see you less, pick up chores they perhaps didn’t have to do and can get frustrated with you. It’s ok...