4 tips on networking while getting an EMBA

When I first wanted to write a blog about networking, I asked myself if I was actually qualified to do this. Then I looked back at the last five-plus years of my life: founding a successful networking association from scratch, building work and social relationships in a new country, and starting my Executive MBA. I began to think that maybe I could share with others what I have learned.

Balancing being a parent while getting an EvMBA

On April 9, 2018, Sen. Tammy Duckworth became the first United States senator to give birth while serving in office. In the months leading up to this occasion, she led efforts to create more parent-friendly work environment. Most notably, she garnered support for a policy change that would allow senators to bring their infant children along to vote (typically, only senators and select staff are allowed in the Senate chamber during votes).

How to plan a future after an MBA

Here I stand again, now fewer than two months away from graduating as a Goizueta MBA. I still clearly remember that feeling of uncertainty the day I quit my job to start the two-year MBA at Goizueta.