Concentrating in Marketing Analytics at Emory

Now that I’m finished with Full-Time recruiting, I’ll be focusing most of my energy on my coursework during my last semester at Goizueta. Since most of the required classes in our program are front-loaded during the first semester of our time here, we have three full semesters to take electives and explore different areas of the business school.

Annual Venture Capital Investment Competition provides real-world experience

The Emory Center for Alternative Investments recently hosted the 15th annual Venture Capital Investment Competition at the Goizueta Business School. This annual competition is a part of a broader national program and presents students with a simulated opportunity to be venture capitalist investors, much like “sharks” on the ABC show, “Shark Tank.”

Into the Real World: Visiting Home Depot

Buzz words come and go every year: O2O, blockchain, VR, machine learning, big data, cloud computing, AI and more. However, no matter how fancy they sound, it comes down to the business data scientists utilizing these technologies and correctly collecting and processing data to create real business impact.

Why coaching, feedback are important at Goizueta

As MSBA students at Goizueta, we have the opportunity to experience and participate in several unique programs within the graduate business school community. One of these is the Delta Air Lines Leadership Coaching Fellows program, where second-year MBA students receive training to become peer-coaches for first-year MBA students and MSBA students during the fall semester.