Tagged: career

Goizueta Business School

MS in Business Analytics: Five Careers in Data Analytics

Before even beginning courses in the MS in Business Analytics degree, I started exploring what types of job opportunities would be available to me after graduating from the program. I came to Emory with the intention of making a career switch and wanted to set myself up for a career...

Career development is team coached at Goizueta Business School

Career development is team coached at Goizueta Business School

The recruiting journey for the One-Year, accelerated MBA program at Goizueta Business School can be a bit, well, fast and furious. We start the program in May, complete the core semester from May to August, and begin official on-campus recruiting as early as September! I came in ready to jump in...

Evening extras: How do I get involved at Goizueta?

Are extracurriculars available to evening students? Yes! The Goizueta Business School Evening MBA (EvMBA) program has extracurriculars dedicated to evening students as well as options to join clubs with full-time MBA students. Extracurriculars include student government (Evening MBA Business Association), academic and professional groups, cultural groups, and other activities. Involvement...

Find Your Fit

Find Your Fit

The first semester of the MSBA program is all about developing our data science skills while networking and exploring career paths.  We are constantly learning about how we can apply our data science skills in different industries and what it would look like to work as a data scientist, data...

3 Tips to Maximize Your MBA Conference Success

3 Tips to maximize your MBA conference success

I’ve spent the last decade attending MBA career conferences: first as a student, then as a company recruiter, and finally as a career coach for Emory University’s Goizueta Business School. Over the years, I’ve witnessed three mistakes that MBA candidates consistently make that thwart their chances for success. This guide...

Inaugural Pathway to C-Suite Panel

On Wednesday, January 29, the Executive MBA program hosted a Pathway to C-Suite event at the St. Regis Hotel in Buckhead. The panelists, as well as Dean James, were open and authentic about the qualities of leadership that enabled them to “end up” in the C-suite. As we heard panelist...

Three Tips to Manage Employer Expectations

To go or not to go? That is the question. Unfortunately, if you’re looking through this blog, you’re probably in the same shoes I was almost two years ago: Looking at the program schedule and thinking, “How am I going to ask my manager for every other Friday off?” It...