Tagged: Grounds for Empowerment
Eike Hoffmann 24MBA spent spring break of his first year in the MBA program touring small-scale coffee farms in Guatemala with Professor Peter Roberts and five other coffee-enthusiastic students. The trip explored the complex intersection between business, climate, and socioeconomic issues that affect the industry.
One of the largest attractions to business school (outside of new networks and career opportunities) is the ability to see how business is conducted in other countries through study abroad programs or Emory’s Global Experiential Modules (GEMS).
Like most working professionals, I start pretty much every day with a warm cup of coffee. When I reach for a K-cup in the office break room or purchase beans or order a brewed cup of coffee, I’m usually focused on my forthcoming coffee-drinking experience.
多くの社会人がそうであるように、私も毎日、温かいコーヒーで一日をスタートさせています。 会社の休憩室でKカップに手を伸ばすとき、豆を買うとき、淹れたコーヒーを注文するとき、私はたいていこれからコーヒーを飲むことに集中しています。