Tagged: MBA

One Day at A Time

Juggling work, school, and personal life is no easy feat, especially when joining one of the most competitive and highly regarded Evening MBA programs in the country. I won’t sugar coat it: there are days when you’ve got plenty of things to do from all realms of life and it...

The Immeasurable Value of Community in an MBA Program

An MBA community and its values are essential for your success as a student. Goizueta’s diverse and supportive community makes it a top choice.   When evaluating a business school program, it’s absolutely essential to speak with current students and faculty. In fact, it’s usually part of the official recruiting process...

Top 3 things I wish I knew when I entered the Evening MBA Program

So, my first ever blog post and in true MBA student fashion I find myself Googling “how to begin your first blog post” to see what the experts suggest. Why start from scratch when there are models and use cases that already exist? Surprisingly the results were not as helpful...

The Life of a Spouse

I’m back! And this time, I’m writing from a different perspective: my husband’s. As a spouse of someone in the program, it can be challenging to adjust as well. They see you less, pick up chores they perhaps didn’t have to do and can get frustrated with you. It’s ok...