The summer will fly by, they said. It is a ton of work but strangely you will miss it, they said. Being the skeptic I am, I found these words hard to comprehend. Yet, as I sit in the start of my fall semester, I can certainly confirm both of...
I spent my Mid Semester Module (MSM) here in Atlanta participating in the Power & Influence MSM taught by Professor Rodney Lacey. Despite the fact that I chose not to partake in an international module, I truly gained some important tools that I will use throughout my career by opting...
Hey folks! So as I mentioned before, five of us one-years decided to spend 11 days travelling around Costa Rica during Spring Break. We couldn’t let all of our friends going on International Mid-Semester Modules have all the fun! The crew was as follows: Jimmy from Taiwan, Pablo from Colombia,...
As mentioned in earlier blog posts, students have a choice to enroll in a local Mid-Semester Module (affectionately abbreviated as MSM) or earn their global credit through an international MSM. I chose to take Brandon Smith’s “Advanced Communication Skills for High Potentials” MSM on campus and then spend the next...
Greetings, friends. I don’t have a whole lot on which to update you, except that Fall semester is chugging right along. So much so, in fact, that we have already registered for Spring semester classes! One of the most exciting things about next semester will be the mid-semester modules, which...