Tagged: work-life balance
Work-life balance and stress management are familiar coping skills for any Goizueta student. Along with good sleep, exercise is one of the best stress management techniques we have. With our busy schedules, however, squeezing in time to work out can be a challenge.
A major consideration of any working professional pursing a graduate degree is the support they get (or may not get) from their employer. I have friends and colleagues who have left a company in part due to weak support for their part-time MBA and others who have turned down very lucrative offers to change roles because it would mean they could no longer realistically pursue their MBA.
As our lives get busier, “balance” feels ever more elusive. As I enrolled in Goizueta’s WEMBA program, I thought a lot about how I would juggle it all and still maintain some balance in my life.
For the past two weeks, I have been savoring a very special time — a mid-semester break. These breaks are precious to me because since beginning the Evening MBA program back in August 2016, there have only been about 16 weeks where I’ve had no school commitments. Between ACE classes, Washington Campus and my international module, I’ve filled up most of my “breaks” with other school activities. This time, I decided to enjoy a much-needed respite.
On April 9, 2018, Sen. Tammy Duckworth became the first United States senator to give birth while serving in office. In the months leading up to this occasion, she led efforts to create more parent-friendly work environment. Most notably, she garnered support for a policy change that would allow senators to bring their infant children along to vote (typically, only senators and select staff are allowed in the Senate chamber during votes).
In order to get the most out of your time in business school, you’ll need to make some changes to your regular schedule. I often tell prospective students that starting school while maintaining a career and personal life is like jumping onto a moving treadmill.
My office recently moved from midtown to the suburbs, so now on an average school day I spend over two hours in my car commuting between work, school and home. It’s not ideal, but thankfully, I’ve found a handful of podcasts to keep me intellectually engaged while battling Atlanta traffic.
最近、職場がミッドタウンから郊外に移転したため、平均的な登校日には、職場と学校と自宅の間を2時間以上かけて車で移動しています。 しかし、幸いなことに、アトランタの交通渋滞と戦いながらも、知的好奇心を刺激してくれるポッドキャストをいくつか見つけることができました。