Voice of Goizueta Blogger: Sandra Dube – Global Health Case Competition
This past weekend, I competed in my first case competition. This particular competition was conducted by the Global Health Institute at Rollins School of Public Health. Twelve multidisciplinary student teams were given 4.5 days to analyze a global health case and present polished presentations and original solutions to an external panel of judges. Judges included representatives from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo.
The topic: Reduction of childhood obesity in Mexico.
This was an amazing experience and opportunity to work on a team with individuals from the medical, public health and law fields. After working in many business-student teams, it was refreshing to hear new perspectives, meet incredible individuals from other schools at Emory, and tackle a case in a completely new way. I even learned a new framework!
I enjoyed the experience, and can’t wait to rejoin my team in the extramural Global Health Case Competition coming up at the end of March.
Check out this link for the full article on the competition results.